Eugene Ciurana
Eugene Ciurana is the CTO of Triple (, the leading provider of next-gen CLO technology to the largest US and European banks, and to some of the largest content and ad networks in the US. Prior to Triple, Eugene was the senior director of knowledge discovery and representation at Meltwater US1, managing science and engineering teams in San Francisco, London, Stockholm, and Budapest; he was CEO and founder of Cosmify, Inc. “one of the last pure AI company acquisitions in Silicon Valley” in 2017 and known as “Palantir in a box.” Before that he was the CTO of Summly, the most successful automated text summarization company in Silicon Valley history, Sr VP of technology at Badoo/Bumble, director of systems integration at LeapFrog Enterprises, and chief architect at Global. Eugene can be reached on the Libera and OFTC IRC networks (#vim, #python, #java, #awk, #wikimedia, #tor) under the /nick pr3d4t0r. Twitter: @ciurana

Case study that describes how a scrappy science and engineering team built an optimal recommendations engine for consumer banking and FinTech mobile app users. The engine produces high-response, tailored end-user results from anonymized and incomplete data, the application of quantum particle swarm optimization techniques, and by leveraging a homegrown knowledge representation graph.