PyData Seattle 2023

Hands-on intro of ipyvizzu-story - a new, open-source charting tool to build, create and share animated data stories with Python in Jupyter
04-26, 11:00–12:30 (America/Los_Angeles), St. Helens

Explaining and sharing the results of your analysis to a non-data-savvy audience can be much easier and considerably more fun when you can create an animated story of the charts containing your insights.

In this tutorial, one of the creators of ipyvizzu-story - a new open-source presentation tool that works within Jupyter Notebook and similar platforms - introduces their technology and helps the audience take their first steps in utilizing the power of animation in data storytelling.

This tutorial will provide a direct practical experience for the audience to use ipyvizzu-story. Therefore, a laptop and the ability to use Jupyter Notebook or one of the supported tools is expected - click here for the complete list of the available environments.

For people who regularly use computational notebooks for ad hoc analysis and have to share the insights discovered with non-data scientists, this is an excellent opportunity to learn something new. ipyvizzu-story is integrated with pandas and uses a simple syntax that even novice Pythonistas find fairly easy to understand and work with.

Around 30% of the time is dedicated to an introductory session. As you can see in the outline, this will be split into multiple smaller segments, in between which the participants will do simple exercises to get familiar with ipyvizzu-story. Then in the remaining time, participants will work on some well-prepared challenges in small groups or independently.

At the end of the workshop, we'll have room for presentations, so participants can show the stories they've built and get feedback.

You can find all the samples, the notebooks and the data used throughout the tutorial here:

Prior Knowledge Expected

Previous knowledge expected

Peter is the CEO & Co-Founder of Vizzu.

His primary focus is understanding how Vizzu's innovative approach to data visualization can be put to good use. Listening to people complaining about their current hurdles with building charts and presenting them is his main obsession, next to figuring out how to help data professionals utilize the power of animation in dataviz.

Peter has been involved with digital product development for over 15 years. Earlier products/projects he worked on cover mobile app testing, online analytics, data visualization, decision support, e-learning, educational administration & social. Still, building a selfie teleport just for fun is what he likes to boast about when asked about previous experiences.