PyData Seattle 2023

Growing the open source quantum ecosystem
04-28, 10:15–11:00 (America/Los_Angeles), Kodiak Theatre

In this talk we will give a brief overview of quantum computing before delving into the ecosystem as it relates to open-source python software. We’ll discuss the growing community that is building the infrastructure that will power quantum computing and explain how Unitary Fund is helping to fill the gaps in the field.

Quantum computing is a growing field of high performance computing, and surrounding it there has been a lot of excitement, bold claims, and hype. I’ll start by giving a brief overview of what quantum computers are, what they are expected to do and be good at, and address whether the hype is all it’s made out to be.

I’ll then discuss how python has become the de facto standard (as shown via the results of Unitary Fund’s Quantum Open Source Software survey) for the quantum computing ecosystem and give an overview of what the options are for quantum programmers when it comes to writing programs to run on hardware. At Unitary Fund we are continuing to encourage the growth, and flourishing of the quantum computing ecosystem and community by providing microgrants to those interested in expanding the options, and capabilities for development, research, and outreach. I’ll discuss the grant program, and its effectiveness over the past 3 years, as well as our group's python package Mitiq which has reached 50 contributors and 65k downloads over just two years!

Attendees will find it beneficial to be familiar with quantum computing as a concept, but no technical quantum mechanics will be used. People interested in both scientific computing with python, and community development will find something of interest here.

Prior Knowledge Expected

No previous knowledge expected

Nate is a quantum software developer working to make quantum computing accessible to more people. Previously he's worked as a web developer, and has a masters degree in quantum computing from the University of Waterloo.