PyData Seattle 2023

Lightning Talks #2
04-28, 16:00–16:45 (America/Los_Angeles), Rainier

Lightning talks are 5 minute topics led by you, the attendee.

1) Keaton Armentrout - "Microbial Community Discovery at Scale"
2) Graham Wheeler - "The Joy of Types"
3) Tim Swast - "DataFrames on SQL"
4) Juanita Gomez - "Scientific Python"
5) Time B - "Open-Source Science (OSSci)"
6) Phillip Cloud - "Python Divided by SQL"
7) Eduardo Apolinario - "Orchestration from First Principles"
8) Sidra Effendi - "Decoding user Query Intention in non-profit sector"
9) NASA - "Systems Engineering for Humans"

Prior Knowledge Expected

No previous knowledge expected